Can I sell the ship?
Yes, you can sell ships that you don't use anymore.
What affects ships selling price?
Upgrades, gear, equipment and arsenal affect the end price. Camouflage and decal are not included.
If I sell the ship, will the slot remain?
Yes, if you sell the ship, you will not need to buy slot again.
Will my upgrades remain if I sell a ship?
If you sell a ship with upgrades, they will remain in case of its further purchase.
I want to buy a ship, but I don't have any free slots
Unfortunately, it's impossible to buy a ship if you don't have free slots. You can sell any vehicle and free the slot.
How many slots are available in the port?
Maximum amount of slots in port is 12. It means that maximum amount of ships that the player can have is twelve.
I want to buy a premium ship, do I need free slot?
Yes, you will need a free slot as well as for non-premium ship.
I have bought a ship, but it doesn't appear in my port!
Remember, when you buy a ship you firstly need to research it with experience points. And only after that you can buy it with silver.
What is the difference between ship classes?
There are 3 classes of ships in the game:
- Corvettes and Frigates (light)
- Destroyer (medium)
- Cruisers (heavy)
• Class of ships corvettes and frigates (light) — the fastest and most maneuverable. This class does not have the highest damage among all classes. Light ships earn more silver, but less experience and trophies compared to other ship classes.
• Destroyer class (medium) — something in between light and heavy classes of ships.
• Class of ships cruisers (heavy) — the most durable and slow class, dominated by firepower. Heavy ships earn more experience and trophies, but they get less silver compared to other ship classes.
What are the advantages of premium ships?
Premium ships have following advantages:
- Better earn silver and experience points
- National camouflage
- Additional decals and camouflages
- Improved consumables
How to transfer ships from one profile to another
In the game it is not possible to give or transfer a unit from one game profile to another.